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Top Reasons To Hire A Coach

Coaching is a process in which two people participate, one of them is the coach and the other is called the coachee, who is the person or persons receiving coaching.

The main function of the coach is to accompany the coachees so that they reach their goals in an efficient and effective way. To do this, tools, techniques and a methodology are used to bring out the best in each of the people involved.

However, for a coaching process to generate the desired results, a solid desire and commitment on the part of the coach are essential. When this exists and a relationship of trust is generated between the coach and the coachee, the results always come.

When you feel confused about your future

A coach will not tell you exactly what to do with your life but will give you the necessary tools to find out for yourself, and get ahead. And gone are days, when it was hard to find a good coach, now you can visit a coaching directory to find the best ones, and get better in your life.

When you are about to start a new job

A coaching process will help you start fresh, with all the energy, motivation, drive and confidence you need. Keep in mind that the beginning of a new professional stage will condition to a great extent your stay and trajectory in it. Coaching often serves to avoid falling into the same dynamics that have been repeated so many times and have prevented you from moving forward. It is important to “enter” in a certain, and sometimes different way, in order to achieve your goals and success.

When you are going through grief

Grief does not have to be exclusively for the death of a loved one, we also go through its respective stages when there is a loss such as the culmination of an important stage or the end of a love relationship. Grief, especially for the loss of a loved one, requires time, and you can never avoid going through its phases.

Coaching, which is not therapy, will allow you to go through each of the stages of grief in a better way, without getting stuck in any of them, to see things from a different point of view and let go of what is keeping your suffering. You will come out of this situation with new motivation and with greater peace of mind, to continue oriented towards your goals, objectives, success and happiness.

When you want to achieve a goal

A coach does not tell you what to do, but helps you to see and evaluate, with a new perspective, new and unsuspected options and opportunities, according to your true desires, values and motivations. With your goals clear, and your action plan, you move towards them, learning and growing throughout the process, until you reach them.

When you want/need to make a change in your life and you don’t know where to start

Sometimes when there are many projects, they are just an excess of ideas running around in your mind, without any concreteness. When this happens, and you don’t know where to start, you tend to live the same old life going in circles of frustration. A coaching process helps you to organise your priorities and define clearly what are the next steps you need to take, in order to clarify, focus and direct you towards your goals, and achieve them.

When you feel you have too many problems

If you are living with a myriad of difficulties, and, for example, you are working too hard to overcome them, coaching can be that small piece of the puzzle that you are missing to put things in order, a coach is not a tutor who gives you a list of tasks to cross off to reorganise your life.

The coach helps you discover your true order, knowing that you have everything you need to do it, and teaching you how to employ the tools you will use effectively.

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