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Posted by on July 16, 2022

A dental caries is the most common problem that occurs in the teeth, produced in most cases by insufficient oral hygiene. So, it is essential that from childhood we get used to a rigorous routine that leads us to avoid developing any type of dental caries at any time in our lives.

Regardless of the types of dental cavities you may have, it’s important to see your dentist in Ashok Vihar regularly. So that if you have any type of dental caries that we will explain below, you can detect and treat them in their initial phases. And so, the solution is much simpler and hardly requires a reconstruction with a composite filling.

We are going to explain the different types of dental caries that exist and the main peculiarities and characteristics of each of these varieties.


In an initial phase, caries will affect the enamel and can usually be seen as a whitish opaque spot. This caries or injury will advance towards the internal structures of the tooth if it is not treated or controlled, the dentin and the nerve or pulp.

Sometimes the affectation of dental structures is very fast, in this case we will be talking about rampant caries. This type of caries can affect both children and adults and its progression is very rapid, so the ideal is to diagnose and treat them quickly.

Tell you that depending on the dental area affected by caries, dentist in Pitampura can distinguish the following types of dental caries, which are: crown, pits and fissures, interdental, root, and recurrent.


Crown caries is located in the occlusal area of ​​the tooth or the chewing area. This type of cavities is common in children.

This type of caries affects the dental surface that is in contact during chewing, that is, the occlusal area of ​​the tooth. It is manifested by a discoloration in the upper or occlusal area of ​​the tooth and its clinical treatment is simple.

It affects the parts of the tooth that have the main function of chewing and grinding food. One of the advantages that this modality offers us is that they are easy to identify and diagnose since crown caries manifests itself with the change in color of the tooth.

Its detection is easy, and it manifests itself in a discoloration or a change in color of the affected dental area.


The root of the tooth does not have enamel and is more susceptible to caries. Due to its location, root caries progress very quickly, therefore, its early diagnosis and treatment will be essential.

Periodontitis, the loss of teeth and the non-rehabilitation of the spaces where you have lost a tooth, causes the retraction of your gums, leaving the root exposed. Other causes of gingival retraction can be bruxism, a very strong brushing.

This type of caries manifests itself with dark colorations in the exposed root zone and there is a higher incidence in older people.


This type of caries is located on the mesial and distal faces of the affected teeth, that is, between these teeth. This area is difficult to access when brushing and if floss or dental floss is not used, these cavities may appear.

Its detection will be possible through regular check-ups in the dental clinic in Shalimar Bagh. This type of caries should be treated quickly as they progress rapidly towards the internal structures of the tooth.

Interproximal or interdental caries are those that originate between the teeth and are caused by the non-removal of bacterial plaque from these areas through the use of dental floss, dental floss,…

They take place in the interdental spaces (between tooth and tooth). And for this reason, it is very important to properly clean the areas between the teeth. These areas are difficult to access to hygiene since the toothbrush does not clean them well, which is why the use of floss and mouth irrigator is so important.


Fissure and pit caries are caused by the accumulation of food in these occlusal areas of the teeth. They are more common in molars and also in children and young adolescents.

This type of caries is common in teeth that have been treated for a long time, in which the filling made by the force of chewing, bruxism, has been misaligned, leaving small cracks where pathogens enter.


Recurrent or secondary caries is characterized by the appearance of caries in areas where they have been previously treated (fillings, crowns, endodontic treatment, etc.).

Also called secondary caries, they are those that affect contiguous areas that have already been treated or filled (filtered fillings). You must pay special attention during your oral hygiene to your already treated teeth to prevent them from suffering from cavities again.


It affects young people, generally between 20 and 30 years old, and has a slow progression level, with the possibility that they can be reversed with proper oral hygiene. More than a hole, as in the previous one, this type of caries affects by diluting the enamel that protects the tooth.


It is a cavity that progresses very slowly until it reaches the dentin, the second layer of the tooth after the enamel. If it reaches the dentin of the tooth, its progress is very fast.


Enamel caries, one of the most common types and that manifests itself through a white spot.

Among the main consequences of enamel caries, the loss of enamel shine should be highlighted, as well as the fact that cavitation may appear if the caries affects the deep layers of the enamel. Diagnosing enamel caries is a process that is carried out through visual inspection or by means of a detecting substance.


Another of the best known and most popular types of caries is the one located on the surface of the dentin.

When dentin caries progresses rapidly, it usually has a yellowish hue. While if the progress of dentin caries is slow, we will find a brown color. As well as it will have a more resistant consistency.

Other particularities of this type of caries are that it is usually located both in pits, fissures and on the surface or even in the root of the tooth.

On the other hand, it should be noted that superficial dentine caries usually presents painful symptoms.

To diagnose a dentin caries, the dentist in Model Town uses visual inspection and a radiographic examination. Radiography is very useful for locating cavities, especially those found between the teeth.

We continue this list talking about deep dentin caries, a type of caries that has many similarities compared to caries on the dentin surface. With the particularity that in this case we will find a small entry point in the enamel.


Root caries is another type of dental caries that we usually treat in patients who come to Kakkar Dental Clinic in Ashok Vihar. And in this case, it must be said that it is a chronic pathology that progresses slowly but progressively.

On the other hand, another of the curiosities of this type of caries is that it is covered by a layer of plaque. As well as it should be noted that as this type of caries progresses, both the color and the appearance of the tooth will vary.

In this case, the best way to diagnose root caries is through radiographic examination. It is also a pathology that can trigger moderate pain.


In short, we have been able to know the different types of cavities that we can suffer from. Where it should be noted that each of them has a series of characteristics and peculiarities.

Early dental care is vitally important to verify both the type of dental caries you have and the most effective treatment that best suits your particular case.

Dental caries is one of the most common pathologies in today’s world society. A balanced diet, correct oral hygiene habits, regular check-ups with a dentist in Pitampura, can help prevent this.


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