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Protect Your Toenails by Knowing the Signs and Causes of Toenail Infection

Toenail fungus is an embarrassing and unsightly infection. It is contagious and is hard to get rid of sometimes. You can barely notice toenail fungal growth if it is a mild case. On the other hand, some people, who experience growth and spread of toenail fungus may feel intense pain.

People visit Dr. Sima Soltani Podiatry Office in Irvine looking for laser treatment for toenail fungus to get rid of it because the pain is unbearable. It simply means they are finally doing something about this fungal infection after ignoring it for months or sometimes years. Dr. Sima Soltani Podiatry Office in Irvine has more than 20years of experience in treating different podiatry problem. They specifically aim for operation-less treatment.

Usually, people don’t pay much attention, or you can say they did not notice the changes in their toenails and the area around them. In any case, they ignore this condition and allow the fungus to thrive. In the end, when they decide to go for laser toenail fungus removal, things are already quite out of their hands to a great extent. So, it is essential for you to check out the signs showing you are getting a fungal infection on your toenails or the surrounding areas.

Here listing out some of the significant signs of toenail fungal infection.

The signs of toenail fungal infection are –

  • Change in nail color
  • Change in nail position
  • Change in the texture of nails
  • Swelling and redness
  • Emitting foul odor from the nail
  • Separating from the nail bed
  • Pain while wearing shoes or walking
  • Distortion or thickening of nails

Now, you have some idea about the signs you need to pay attention to, but you also need to prevent it from the root. In that case, you need to know about the causes of toenail fungus infection before you opt for toenail laser treatment.

The Causes of toenail fungus infection

The toenails frequently come in contact with pathogens and the pathogens cause toenail infection. In fact, bacteria and fungus exist everywhere, from the locker room to public pools and inside your shoes. The dark, warm, and damp places are the perfect condition for fungus to thrive. When they get a place to fester, they begin to damage keratin available in nails.

In severe cases, the fungus even causes debilitating pain. However, there are several other ways of coming in contact with the fungus. Such an injury in the nail bed, as simple as an ingrown toenail, or a stubbed toe can make the area easier to target and develop the fungus. Sometimes, people opt for laser nail fungus because of other underlying conditions contributing to the development of toenail fungus infection.

One of the common examples is diabetes. Sometimes, people experience various foot issues because they have diabetes. If you have diabetes, you are already at a higher risk of getting feet or toenail infection. It is likely to hold on to your feet or nails quicker than anyone else.

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