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Healing from A Foot Surgery – Importance of Rest and Physical Therapy

While most of the foot conditions are treatable using preventive methods such as the use of custom orthotics or topical ointments, some conditions like painful bunions or foot ulcers in diabetics need surgical interventions.

Surgeries carry a higher risk of developing complications and infections and thus, require hospital admissions sometimes for long periods. Apart from the health impact, surgeries also affect the finances of the patient and this is why it is important to have an insurance coverage plan that covers foot surgeries as well.

At Sima Soltani podiatry clinic, most insurance plans that are available with the residents of California are accepted so that the patient can get high-quality treatment without having to worry about the expenses. From BCBS to anthem blue cross covered California insurance plans, from Cigna to Medicare, they accept all to provide you with hassle-free treatment so that you can focus on your recovery with a better mindset.

Common foot conditions that require surgical treatment

For normal healthy individuals, foot care is easy and any minor injuries or infections generally heal with minimal interventions. The story is different when you suffer from underlying diseases like diabetes.

As a diabetic, your foot care needs are more critical than other healthy individuals, and having an insurance plan that includes Podiatrist blue cross blue shield services can save a lot of yearly expenses and emergency hospital admissions.

Some foot ailments that need surgical treatment even in healthy individuals are:

  • Rupture of Achilles tendon secondary to untreated Achilles tendonitis.
  • Some forms of fractures or ligament tears may need surgical intervention to realign the bone or use screws to fix a more complex fracture.
  • When plantar fasciitis is putting pressure on some ligaments or nerves, surgery might be required to release that tension.
  • Painful bunions are often treated with bunionectomy.
  • Non-healing foot ulcers in diabetics can develop into severe cellulitis which may require amputation surgery of toes or the foot.

Search for a blue cross blue shield podiatrist in your locality to get foot care surgical treatments through your insurance covers and not bear such huge expenses directly from your pockets. The recovery period after a foot surgery will require many visits to the physiotherapist to get back your mobility and to help you heal faster. These expenses will also be paid from your pockets if your insurance does not cover them.

Foot surgeries generally take 6-8 weeks to heal completely and apart from physical therapy, all forms of exercise should be avoided. Your doctor will prescribe some pain medications in the initial days after the surgery. Immediately after the surgery, ensure that you have a helping hand for doing your regular chores.

To prevent yourself from a recurrent injury, you must follow all the instructions given by your podiatrist and take as much time to recover as possible. Getting back to exercise should be done gradually.

Finding a BCBS podiatrist can make foot care very affordable for most patients as it is a non-profit insurance provider that works to make health care stress-free and accessible to everyone.

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