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What Is a Foot Corn? How It Can Be Treated or Removed?

A foot is one part of our body that goes through a lot of stress and problems. However, amongst all these problems, we are going to talk about corn. Though you don’t have to worry much about this problem, sometimes it can lead to major issues including surgeries to get rid of them. They are very irritating and can make you feel uncomfortable doing your daily activities.

Corns usually occur when you wear very tight-fitting shoes. The continuous pressure and friction, which takes place on your foot and toes can make one area of your skin thick and rough. Corns usually occur on the toes which is either on the sides or below the toe or the toenails. Sometimes they even get much deeper into your skin making it more painful.

There are 2 different types of corns:

Hard corns: these are formed due to the pressure of your tight-fitting shoes. They usually occur on the small toe.

Soft corns: They are soft due to the sweat formed on your feet which is keeping them moist. They are usually formed between the larger toe and the fourth one. However, care needs to be taken as it may get infected. Thus, corn removal is the only option.

Corn & Calluses

A callus is a dead skin production that forms under your feet or your palms. They are almost the same as corn as they are made of the same material keratin. However, there is some difference between the two when it comes to size and shape.

Calluses are large and wider too with edges around them though not clear. They are formed on the areas, which are pressurized such as the bony areas under your toe or on your heels.


Corn and callus removal can be done in the same way. First and foremost, find a good professional for yourself in Irvine. Dr. Sima Soltani Podiatry Office is well-known for this kind of treatment related to your feet. This podiatrist has been working in this industry for 20 years.

Here the professional treatment includes:

  • Trimming: This can be done at home. All you need to do is to immerse your feet in warm water for about 20 minutes. Then gently scrape the rough surface of your skin with pubic stone. In this way, the skin will get softened.
  • Chemical: This is similar to trimming, but here chemicals are used to dissolve the skin. Mostly they will use salicylic acid which helps to dissolve the keratin present in that dead skin
  • Footpads: You get those footpads which can be kept inside your shoe to make you feel comfortable. A toe splint is another option that does not allow your toes to rub against one another.

A podiatrist will have their way for foot callus removal. They will also determine the cause of this problem and advice to prevent it.


Wearing the right kind of shoe is the best way to prevent it. Avoid wearing high heels for a longer period. For shoes, you have to wear socks and especially those padded ones to get the comfort. Though foot corn removal can be done without any risks, you can prevent this in the first place by understanding the symptoms and taking care of them.

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