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Why Are People Craze of Stem Cell Therapy?

The big toe plays a very important role to stand, walk, and in most of the activities carried out by us daily. Affordable stem cell therapy might be the best choice for toe arthritis and many other issues. Based on the medical history, physical examination, and the results of the X-ray, the most appropriate therapy is given.

Stem cell therapy is becoming more popular recently. It’s a topic that is trending all over.

Dr. Sima Soltani Podiatry Office is the best Podiatrist center with 20 years of experience in Irvine, Orange County, California, USA. They have their branches in Laguna Hills, Santa Ana, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Tustin, etc. They provide services like diabetic foot care, bunions, ankle sprains, joints, wounds, neuroma, hammertoes, laser fungal nails, sports injuries, plantar warts, custom orthotics, stem cell therapy for big toe arthritis, etc.

You might be wondering why stem cell therapy is all the craze. Below are some reasons for your questions:

·       Stem cell therapy is faster than treatment methods used traditionally

The process of recovery and healing times is faster in stem cell therapy than in traditional methods. These cells are undifferentiated and can change and divide into the required kind of cell to perform a specific task.

For example: If stem cells are injected into the shoulder or knee, then they would become cartilage cells, bone cells, or ligament cells depending upon our requirements. Hence, it regenerates tissues that are damaged and also helps in speeding up the process of healing.

Stem cell therapy can be used to treat almost everything from diabetic ulcers to sports injuries to bunions. The therapy is suited for most of the patients and the side effects are also minimum. You might face pain or minor swelling at the injected spot but it’s quite normal for any injection type.

·       Surgery can be avoided

Surgery can be avoided in some cases as you get better results with stem cell therapy. If the issue is severe, then surgery might be needed. Stem cell therapy Orange County Podiatrists provide personalized treatment and a full examination plan to you when you visit their center.

·       Used to treat cancer

People suffering from blood cancer and a low immune system like multiple myeloma, leukemia, and lymphoma can be treated using stem cell transplants.

The consenting donors or the host will provide the stem cells to the cancer patients to replace the cells damaged by radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or cancer itself. The stem cells from the donor are obtained from peripheral blood, bone marrow, or cord blood.

·       Biomedical research will be popular in the future

Biomedical research is done all over the world. Researchers are gaining a better knowledge of the occurrence of the disease and trying to develop treatments that are effective through the study of these stem cells.

The efficacy and safety of new drugs are tested using these stem cells.  The possibilities remain endless as these cells have the power to regenerate and transform the tissues that are damaged.

Stem cell therapy is also a ray of hope for people with heart disease, osteoarthritis, spinal cord injuries, and other serious conditions of health. Stem cell therapy Irvine has all these facilities available for you.


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