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Your Feet Can Affect the Well Being of Your Hips and Backbone

Do you know everything in your body has connection with each other? The leg bones, hip bones, and backbones have connection. There is also a children’s song stating this fact. The meaning of the song is simple yet insightful, reminding the structural connection of the human body.

It is easy to deal with pain and discomfort, if you are aware of this interconnection. Sometimes, the source of the problem is the part you may never expect. You need stem cell therapy for knee pain as the pain in your feet can lead to chronic pain in your back, hips, and knees. The misalignments of the other structure and bones in the feet can alter the way you walk, and Dr. Sima Soltani Podiatry Office in Irvine will help you to know this fact.

At the same time, alter the way extremities bear weight as you move Dr. Sima Soltani Podiatry Office in Irvine helps uncover the source and treat the pain. However, you need to understand something about the condition before you opt for stem cell therapy and knee pain. Before anything else, you should know the causes of misalignment in your foot.

The causes of foot misalignment

Wearing misfitting shoes is one of the major causes of structural misalignment. The old injury you fail to treat on time or heal properly can also cause misalignment. Degenerative diseases such as arthritis also affect the bones. The characteristic inflammation connected with different types of arthritis also forces the bones, ligaments’ alignment leads you to treat stem cell for knee arthritis.

At the same time, alter the gait and the way your foot functions. Injuries causing the formation of scar tissue. It forces the specific structures out of their natural alignment causing constant inflammation. Eventually, damaging connective tissues and bones lead them to abnormal healing. You can consult your doctor for stem cell for knee pain to get relief

Can misalignment cause pain in other joints?

The structural misalignment of the ankle and foot causes a ripple effect. The rippling travels up from legs to the hips and then to the lower back. If your foot is not functioning properly, it can affect the other joints.

It can put pressure and cause stress on the joints. The longer this misalignment exists, the more damage it will cause to your other joints and feet.

Why do you need to consult a Podiatrist?

You need to consult a podiatrist to –

  • Assess your foot structure
  • Evaluate the gait
  • Recommend conservative solution
  • Help you in avoiding surgery
  • Get the most advanced care for your foot and ankle

To conclude, the foot bone connects to the leg bone and connects it to the backbone. The entire situation is like the game of Jenga. Your body is a Jenga tower. You need to take care of the source because a light push can make the tower fall instantly. Fix your feet to relieve the pain in your leg, hips, and backbone.

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