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Posted by on November 25, 2018

Most of the parents are often unsure about taking their child to the dentist. Whether it is all about having their first set of teeth or about future dental health; you need to take care of all this. A proper dental checkup is very much necessary on a regular basis so that to stay safe from the cavities and other dental problems.

As we all are much familiar to the fact that; first set of your baby’s teeth is not long lasting and starts shedding at the age of 6 – 7 years. It is not permanent; still, you need to take acute care about cleaning baby’s gums and the new teeth as well so that they would better be prevented from the future dental problems.

What is the right time to take the baby to a dentist? It is one of the most asked questions by most of the parents. So, here in response to this question; most of the dentists worldwide advise parents to visit dentists when the first tooth of their baby erupts on so that he/she can enjoy a healthy and wonderful dental health in future.

How to prepare the child for the visit?

It gets very much tricky with most of the children while it comes to visiting a dentist. Most of the babies and young children really get fussy and don’t sit still and hence really becomes very much difficult to handle them. Therefore; to avoid such situation in future; we advise you to prepare your child before taking him/her to the dentist. You should need to talk about the pros and cons, and for this, you can also seek the help of their cartoon characters as well. It will not only create excitement about the visit but will make them understandable as well what exactly is going to happen.

When to bring your baby to a dentist?

It is one of the most asked queries among the new parents. Most of the dentists worldwide recommend you to bring your child to the eruption of their first tooth; not previous to it. Also, it would not go to be beneficial if you are taking your ones at the age more than one or two. Below is the list of some symptoms that will enable you to learn to know about the time to take your child to a dentist.

  • Drooling is one of the most common things among babies but if your child is drooling more than usual; it is the perfect time you need to visit your doctor.
  • If your child is behaving fussy from few days and especially at night you should need to take him for a dentist.
  • If you view some rashes on his face; take him to a dentist.
  • If you feel like your child is trying to relieve pressure by biting; take him/her to a dentist as it might be a chance when teeth are erupting.
  • If you are feeling difficulty in feeding him/her, rubbing his/her cheeks or pulling his/her lips; it is the perfect time to visit the doctor. Moreover, there is a considerable percentage of children as well showing low-grade fevers and loose motions as well.
  • Sometimes bleeding may occur due to the erupted hematoma on gums during teething, so if it is also happening with your child as well, you should need to make an immediate appointment with your dentist.
  • Just take a breath; not all the children plainly shows teething symptoms; you can find out a large number of children as well showing a smooth ride at this node.

How and why to take care of your baby’s teeth?

Teeth are an essential part of every human life cycle. They not only help us in chewing just; also affects the speech as well. If we talk about the baby’s teeth; they are the one creating a path for the permanent one. So it gets very important to take care of it as a little bit negligence may generate a lot of problem in future as well. You should not only need to clean teeth just but in fact if your little one is not having any yet; you need to wash their gums as well and especially after nursing as the breastfeeding may lead to tooth decay in most of the times. Start opting for toothpaste at the age of 2 and create a habit of brushing twice a day along with flossing as well to make their smile alive always.

Conclusion: – Dental health is very much necessary along with the baby’s health as well. So, if you find your baby uncomfortable with some dental problems; rush to your dentist as it may lead you to some serious dental issues as well.


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