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Posted by on November 25, 2020

Gender issues continue to assume central importance in contemporary societies, and from multiple points of view. First of all with regard to the relationship between men and women. The asymmetries of power between the sexes, around which our communities, civil and political, our legal systems, have been built, continue to deeply influence the role of women in public and private life. Certainly a long way towards equality has been covered, but it is obviously an unfinished road.

The Right Recognition

The full formal recognition of political rights was not matched by an effective participation of women in politics to the same extent as men, the late removal of legal inequalities within the family, even resistant to the approval of a constitutional text that founded marriage on moral and legal equality between spouses, there was no substantial transformation of gender roles in the private sphere. You would need a Lawyer to represent company against EEOC charge of discrimination here.

  • We well know that women still remain the main responsible for all care and care activities within families, a significant wage gap continues to exist between men and women (the so-called gender pay gap, which greatly affects), and above all, communication, entertainment, language, do nothing but daily re-propose and crystallize the subordination of woman to man, and to objectify it. The book does not actually deal with gender discrimination, but I believe that it is necessary to start from the original discrimination, that between men and women, to understand and deal with all the other forms of oppression and subordination that affect subjectivities in various ways that do not conform to the dominant paradigm.

The Recent Recognition

With the recent recognition of the legal institution of civil unions in Italy, also extended to homosexual couples, the debate on the discrimination suffered by lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender in the workplace, and on the need to build environments work inclusive and respectful of differences – not only physical, ethnic, cultural and religious, but also sexual and gender.

Information note

Sexual orientation and gender identity in international human rights law What do we mean by human rights? Human rights are rights specific to all beings humans. We can all have the same rights fundamentals without distinction, regardless of our nationality, our place of residence, our sex,our national or ethnic origin, our color, our our religion, our language, or any other consideration concerning our age, our handicap, our state of health, our sexual orientation or our gender identity.

Essential Options

Rights universals of man are often enshrined and guaranteed bylaw in the form of treaties, customary international law, general principles and other sources of international law. By becoming parties to international instruments, States accept the obligations and duties inherent in law international, namely to respect and protect the rights of man and ensure its exercise. The obligation to respect means that states must refrain from hindering or reduce the exercise of human rights. This is the obligation to protect demands that states protect individuals and groups against human rights violations.

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