The term libido generally refers to the idea of sexual desire. However, depending on the individual, it is difficult to adopt a single definition. In fact, in many periods of our life, libido is absent; this is one reason why many people, both men and women, consult a sexologist doctor in Delhi, India who specializes in the subject. Sexual desire is therefore based on complex physiological mechanisms, and it is important that we understand them.
Causes of loss of libido and low sexual desire
In many countries, libido problems are estimated to affect 10 to 51% of the population. This is even the main reason for consultations with sexologist in Delhi, India.
Therefore, it is essential to be able to provide low sex desire treatment in Delhi in a specific way and adapted to each person. This is paramount, especially when mental health issues are involved.
Little or no sexual desire: characteristics
A sexual desire disorder is characterized by a lack or absence of sexual imagination (fantasies) or desire for sexual activities. This lack (or absence) is marked by a change from the individual’s habitual desire.
To be considered even a disorder, this decrease in libido must be a source of suffering or difficulties in the relationship.
The individual who suffers from a lack of libido is unmotivated to seek sexual stimuli and generally does not take the initiative in activities related to sex (or does it against his will).
Several factors can be associated with a decrease in libido: somatic, endocrine, neurobiological, psychological factors … If you are experiencing difficulties related to your sexual desire, consult a sex specialist in Delhi, India capable of providing you with solutions adapted to your situation.
Causes of lack of libido in men and women
Among the causes of lack of libido, we can certainly mention: anxiety disorders, depression, toxicological factors, diseases, hormonal deficiencies … These causes can be common in both sexes, but women still go through more complicated periods: menstrual cycle, lactation, menopause, etc.
Therefore, we will dedicate this part of the text to differentiate and identify the distinct causes of the lack of libido in men and women.
Causes of lack of male libido
There are many causes for the loss of male sexual desire. We can mention the following:
Finally, we need to remember the impact that lifestyle has on libido, habits, excessive consumption of pornography, masturbations with excessive frequency … It is also proven that testosterone concentrations are linked to libido. However, not every patient with low testosterone has a drop in libido, and not every patient with a drop in libido has low testosterone.
Thus, we can say that it is not all because of testosterone, but it is important to perform a complete check-up in this type of situation.
Causes of lack of female libido
We must take into account both sensory factors and sexual fantasies and thoughts. Incidentally, here too, the notion of desire includes a cognitive, behavioral, emotional, personal or collective dimension.
There are, therefore, chemical factors (hormones and neurotransmitters), but also psychological factors.
In addition, we know that the endocrine system of women is complex, taking into account:
The increase in testosterone in women in the middle of the menstrual cycle is associated with a series of hormonal changes. Thus, there is no way to make a significant distinction between mid-cycle testosterone levels and libido.
In conclusion, there is growing evidence that mood, well-being, energy and other psychological factors influence female sexuality.
Finally, as with men, habits and lifestyle also influence women’s libido.
Libido problems and the influence of neurological disorders
Neurological problems in both men and women – such as stroke, epilepsy, tumors, Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease or multiple sclerosis – seem to be the cause of many sexual dysfunctions.
How to increase sexual desire or recover libido?
Sexual stimulants, aphrodisiacs, miraculous methods … It never hurts to emphasize that, before we talk about “how to increase libido”, it is necessary to keep it in good condition through some attitudes. There is no miracle product to “boost libido”!
However, today, we can identify the specific causes of an individual’s lack of sexual desire and seek solutions. For this, a consultation with the best sexologist in Delhi, India is essential.
Increasing man’s libido
You can recover a “normal” libido by adopting good habits: a balanced diet, a healthy lifestyle (restful sleep, etc.), regular sports…
Hormonal injections (testosterone) can only be prescribed by a sex doctor in Delhi, India, if he / she thinks it is necessary. In any case, this is not the first option taken into account.
With regard to the diet, it is preferable to eat low in fat and sugar, opting for fruits and vegetables. Also be wary of smoking, alcoholism and drug use: they can have direct effects on libido or impair it in the long run.
Finally, your emotional relationships also have a role to play in sexual desire: start by solving problems in the couple’s relationship before addressing a possible drop in libido.
Increasing a woman’s libido
For women, it is almost the same as for men, but it is necessary to take into account some specific issues, such as the menstrual cycle, menopause, contraceptives, etc.
All of these points can be discussed with the doctor.
The periods mentioned above are different for each woman: some will have a lower libido while others will not; the pains and the duration of the cycles are not experienced in the same way by all of them.
Finally, vaginal secretions and hormones also change according to the phase of the cycles. However, by talking to a doctor, it is possible to predict these periods and adapt as best as possible to these different stages of life.
For example, it is possible to maintain a personal calendar of the libido’s evolution according to the phase of the cycle. There are even mobile apps that do that!
Medical care or treatments for libido problems
Therapies against sexual desire disorders, in both men and women, are difficult. Therefore, they must be performed by a sexologist in Delhi in sexual health and clinical sexology.
Among other tests, a hormonal evaluation can be done at the beginning of low sex desire treatment in Delhi. All physiological and psychological factors will also be studied. If a libido disorder is confirmed, the causes will have to be determined precisely. Perhaps some somatic and psychiatric causes have been identified; if this is the case, the top sexologist in Delhi should clarify everything to the patient / couple.
Finally, before choosing the low sex desire treatment in Delhi, the age factor will be studied, often synonymous with a decline in sexual functions.
Sexual therapies
Treatment can take the form of cognitive, behavioral and psychological sex therapy. This type of therapy can be done individually or as a couple and depends a lot on the therapist’s experience, personality and involvement – hence the importance of choosing a competent and best sexologist in Delhi.
Many sexual therapies have a legitimate and effective scientific basis. They can, for example, be divided into several sessions, focusing on issues such as:
We hope to have clarified a little more about the different mechanisms of libido and the absence of miracle drugs. We must privilege certain healthy behaviors, and it is not possible to “increase” libido in the same way that a motor boosts.
The amount of libido varies according to several factors; it is necessary to be attentive to them so that we can solve the problems. But this is not always enough. That is why we recommend at least an appointment with a sexologist in Delhi if libido problems persist for several months.
Sexologists in Delhi deal with these difficulties on a daily basis and will be able to bring solutions to each case. The main thing to do is not to dramatize the situation: the drop in libido is common to all individuals, at any stage of life. The important thing is not to let the problem settle in the long run: the longer you wait, the more complicated the low sex desire treatment in Delhi becomes.
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