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Physiotherapy, The Best Solution For Muscle Injuries

Mar. 13, 2020 by

The hard daily work, household chores, poor postural hygiene, sedentary life, injuries or fractures, or illnesses, gradually strain our back, to the point of leaving us totally useless, and totally sore, and if not treated in time, these injuries may

Sexuality And Chronic Pain: How Can Physiotherapy Help You?

Sexuality And Chronic Pain: How Can Physiotherapy Help You?

Mar. 9, 2020 by

Sexuality is a subject that is sometimes taboo and that it is often difficult to approach it as well with those around you as with a sexologist in Delhi. However, this act occupies an important place in couple relationships and is

How to take advantage of your Physiotherapy Treatment

How to take advantage of your Physiotherapy Treatment

Mar. 1, 2020 by

Going to the consultation of your physiotherapist in Delhi implies an investment of time and money that should be profitable as much as possible. If you want to take advantage and get the best out of your treatment session with your physiotherapist

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Symptoms, Treatment, and Prevention

Jan. 9, 2020 by

Carpal tunnel syndrome is compression or irritation of the nerve that passes through the carpal tunnel. It generally results from a repetitive movement of the wrist resulting in friction. The problem usually occurs in the transverse ligament which, for one

Understand the benefits of physical therapy for your health

Dec. 30, 2019 by

Contrary to popular belief, the benefits of physiotherapy in Dwarka are visible not only in treating injuries and illnesses. It is possible to perceive the positive impact on the whole body, on daily actions and on their physical and spiritual behavior. It is

Back Pain Physiotherapy

Back Pain Physiotherapy

Nov. 28, 2019 by

It is very likely that to more effectively relieve your back pain you should go to physiotherapy. The best physiotherapist in Dwarka will work with you to help you recover mobility in the affected areas of your body as they heal faster.

Physiotherapy in Neurological Conditions

Physiotherapy in Neurological Conditions

Nov. 20, 2019 by

Neurological physiotherapy in Dwarka is the branch of physiotherapy that treats the pathologies of the central or peripheral nervous system, caused by congenital or acquired causes, with consequences in terms of movement, posture or balance. Having dysfunctions of this type can generate significant inconveniences in the

Definition and Causes of Herniated Disc

Definition and Causes of Herniated Disc

Oct. 8, 2019 by

When we talk about herniated disc, we do it with a relatively common pathology that affects the intervertebral disc, a gelatinous structure that allows the flexibility of the spine and acts as a buffer against daily activities. With the passage

Physiotherapy in Dwarka after knee prosthesis surgery

Physiotherapy in Dwarka after knee prosthesis surgery

Sep. 26, 2019 by

After a knee surgery in which a prosthesis is placed to replace the cartilage, a rehabilitation process is necessary. Recovery must be done as soon as possible, according to the best physiotherapist in Dwarka. That is why some recommend supporting the

Physiotherapy after the Hip Operation

Physiotherapy after the Hip Operation

Aug. 23, 2019 by

The number of joint operations such as the hip or knee replacement in Delhi has grown exponentially and widely in Delhi, India in recent times, and this trend is expected to continue. The progressive aging of an increasingly longer population is undoubtedly one of the main causes