Testicular pain is a symptom that can affect men of any age, being able to reflect a problem or consist of something temporary that disappears after a short time. Know the most frequent causes.
The testicles is one of the most sensitive parts of a man’s body. Because they are more exposed, unlike other organs of the abdominal and pelvic cavity, and the lack of sufficient anatomical barriers to protect them, they can be damaged by small compressions or trauma, or else present pain as a sign of another condition,explains urologist in Noida.
According to urologist in Greater Noida, the pain produced in the area can be included in two types:
5 frequent causes of pain in the testicles
The most frequent testicular pathologies that can cause pain are trauma, varicose veins, prostatitis, torsions or inflammations.
1. Trauma
They usually appear by blows or compressions in the area, either practicing sports or after an accident, says urologist in Sector 93 Noida.
2. Varicocele
Varicocele is a dilation of the veins of the testicle , being more frequent in the left testicle, but it can also affect both. This dilation causes a constant discomfort, and inflammation may appear in the area and heat sensation. Depending on its intensity, its treatment may consist of drugs or a surgical treatment, in the case of varicoceles of greater degree, says urologist in Ghaziabad.
3. Prostatitis.
The inflammation of the prostate , or prostatitis, can cause pain in the testicles, which worsens the role the region. Also, this symptom is linked to others such as pain when urinating, fever, presence of blood in the urine or back pain. Most prostatitis are caused by an infection and the pain disappears when it is treated, explains the best urologist in Noida.
4. Testicular torsion.
According to the best urologist in Ghaziabad, testicular torsion usually appears before the age of 25, causing intense pain or, if the torsion is not complete, a constant discomfort or a pain that comes and goes. There may also be swelling, abdominal pain, nausea, frequent urination or fever. The reason for the pain it causes is because a testicle turns and rolls the spermatic cord, which supplies blood to the testicle from the abdomen, and the blood flow can be completely blocked if the testicle turns several times. The causes of its appearance are not clear, although most cases have a hereditary trait and usually occur several hours after intense activity, after an injury in the area or during sleep. This condition requires surgery immediately, suggests the best urologist in Greater Noida.
5. Epididymitis
The inflammation of the epididymis (the tube that connects the vas deferens to the testicle) is caused by a bacterial infection or by bacteria after an intimate anal contact, and causes intense pain in the testicles, accompanied by inflammation of the scrotal sac and fever. These symptoms usually last between 1 to 6 weeks, needing pharmacological treatment, but can also last longer, considering a chronic condition, explains urologist in Vaishali.
In addition to these causes, testicular pain may also be due to a testicular hernia, mumps or testicular cancer, says urologist in Sector 108 Noida.
How to act in the face of testicular pain?
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