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When should you visit the Urologist?

Apr. 15, 2023 by

Having problems when urinating, such as pain or itching, and noticing blood in the urine can be signs that something is not quite right in your urinary system. Who should you go to solve a possible urine problem? Although not everyone thinks

Know the 6 Main Causes of Urinary Tract Infection

Know the 6 Main Causes of Urinary Tract Infection

Feb. 15, 2021 by

Urinary tract infection can affect three parts of our body: the urethra, the bladder, and the kidneys. When the problem occurs in the urethra, the infection is called urethritis. In the bladder and kidneys, it is called cystitis and pyelonephritis,

Is Kidney Cyst Severe? Do I need to be afraid?

Is Kidney Cyst Severe? Do I need to be afraid?

Feb. 12, 2021 by

One of the main reasons for the concern of patients is the appearance of a renal cyst in some imaging exam due to unspecific pain or check-up. And then the question arises: is kidney cyst serious? This problem tends to

Urological Ages of Men: Most Frequent Problems And Prevention

Nov. 16, 2020 by

During the life of man, different urological pathologies associated with each stage manifest. Precisely for this reason,  Dr. Shailendra Goel, urologist in Noida, reviews the main urological conditions of men in order to encourage knowledge of them and their prevention. The most

5 Risk Factors for Overactive Bladder

5 Risk Factors for Overactive Bladder

Aug. 29, 2020 by

The overactive bladder is a condition in which the individual feels an uncontrollable urge to urinate, more times a day than normal. This occurs due to the malfunction of the musculature that lines and surrounds the organ, which is unable

Urinary Incontinence in Men: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Urinary Incontinence in Men: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Aug. 16, 2020 by

Urinary incontinence is characterized by involuntary urine loss, which can affect men. Incontinence usually occurs as a result of prostate removal, but it can also occur from an increase in prostate size, and in older adults with Parkinson’s disease or

Do you know the reasons why you should go to the urologist?

Do you know the reasons why you should go to the urologist?

Aug. 8, 2020 by

The urologist is the doctor specialized in the study of the urinary tract and the genital tract. This specialized doctor is not exclusive for men. It does not matter if you are a man or a woman, there are several

Why Does Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Occur?

Why Does Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Occur?

Jun. 30, 2020 by

The passage of time affects both men and women in various areas of life and health. Benign prostatic hyperplasia or benign prostatic growth is a physiological phenomenon where years count. And it is that this pathology occurs in all prostates of men from

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy: frequently asked questions

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy: frequently asked questions

Jun. 24, 2020 by

What it is, warning signs, what the consequences are and how to deal with it. The best urologist in Noida will clarify all your doubts about this disease, characterized by an enlarged prostate. One of the most common benign diseases in men, benign

Kidney stones: types, causes and complications

Kidney stones: types, causes and complications

Jun. 20, 2020 by

Kidney stones are small stones made up of mineral salts and acids found in the kidneys. Generally, these stones dissolve in the urine. However, if the urine is highly concentrated, the minerals can crystallize forming a stone. The largest stones