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Kidney Stones: Symptoms and Treatment

Kidney Stones: Symptoms and Treatment

Jun. 10, 2020 by

Kidney stones, also known as kidney stones or nephrolithiasis, are a hard mass of minerals that form within the kidney from substances in the urine, and sometimes manage to be the size of a grain of rice or larger, the

Bladder Cancer: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

Bladder Cancer: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment

May. 22, 2020 by

In the last decades there has been an increase in the incidence of bladder tumors. However, there have been significant advances in bladder cancer treatment in Delhi, leading to increased survival. The bladder is an organ whose function is to store

Urethral Stricture: Causes and Treatment

Urethral Stricture: Causes and Treatment

May. 5, 2020 by

Urethral stenosis is a narrowing of a segment of the urethra, which can result in a decrease or even complete interruption of the urinary flow, resulting in a series of complications, explains the best urologist in Noida. The urethra is a

Kidney Cancer – Diagnosis and Treatment

Apr. 24, 2020 by

Kidney Cancer Kidney cancer is the third most common of the genitourinary system and represents approximately 3% of malignant diseases in adults. Kidney cancer is also known as hypernephroma or renal adenocarcinoma. The most frequent is clear cell kidney cancer,

What is Prostate Cancer And It’s Treatment Options

Apr. 12, 2020 by

WHAT IS PROSTATE CANCER? Prostate cancer is the most common non-skin cancer in India. It is estimated that approximately 1 in 6 men suffers from it, and it is more frequent at older ages. Even though prostate cancer can be

Kidney Stone: Everything You Need To Know

Apr. 7, 2020 by

What Are Kidney Stones? When we speak of the presence of kidney stones, we are referring to the disease known as kidney stones or nephrolithiasis, which is characterized by the presence of stones in the kidneys, however, in most cases,

Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Urinary Tract Infection Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Mar. 19, 2020 by

Symptoms of urinary tract infection, such as pain or burning when urinating, can vary from person to person as the infection can affect the urethra, bladder or kidneys. Generally, urinary tract infection is caused by bacteria from the intestine that



Jul. 13, 2019 by

According to Urologist in Noida, the kidney stones are hard deposits, similar to a stone composed of minerals and salts formed within the kidneys. Although their causes are multiple, the most common is that they appear in people who eat little liquid, since the

5 Causes of Testicular Pain

5 Causes of Testicular Pain

Jun. 6, 2019 by

Testicular pain is a symptom that can affect men of any age, being able to reflect a problem or consist of something temporary that disappears after a short time. Know the most frequent causes. The testicles is one of the most sensitive

Urinary Sepsis: Symptoms and Treatment

Urinary Sepsis: Symptoms and Treatment

May. 26, 2019 by

The medical term sepsis refers to a pathology in which the organism has a very serious and inflammatory response to the presence of bacteria and other microorganisms. It is for this reason that is known as urinary sepsis to a urinary