It is a problem that few talk about but many couples suffer from: low sexual desire. This can negatively affect the relationship in many ways.
Sex is a fundamental part of relationships, which is why low sexual desire can be a serious problem and the origin of other confrontations, which although they may seem unrelated, arise from the lack of empathy and affinity that is produced by the sexual dissatisfaction.
Low sexual desire is a more common problem than is believed, although many couples keep it behind closed doors. A recent study found that 36% of women and 31% of men have low sexual desire, with increases starting at age 40.
This problem is commonly reflected in marriages. “The typical patient says that he was having sex before marriage and newlyweds, but after a few years, for no reason, there is no more sexual desire,” explains Dr. P K Gupta, best sexologist in India.
Low sexual desire not only affects the person who suffers from it and the relationship, but also the couple, who sees their sexual desires unsatisfied, feels rejected and can see their self-esteem affected.
What causes low sexual desire?
Low sexual desire can be caused by physical and psychological reasons. The stress of modern life has a negative impact on sexual relationships. Therefore, the main causes of low sexual desire are depression and fatigue.
Resentment is another cause of low sexual desire. The anger against the partner for some discussion, for being very dominant, very passive or for feeling that they ignore one’s needs, decreases the attraction and, therefore, the desire to have sex.
Old traumas, such as having been a victim of sexual abuse or bad experiences from the past, can resurface and lower the sexual appetite, sometimes without knowing it.
Among the physical reasons are the impotence of the man caused by health problems, pain in the genital areas due to infections, injuries, low endocrine levels or some other factor.
When these are the causes, it is advisable to go to the sex doctor in Delhi to seek appropriate low sex desire treatment in Delhi because, in addition to affecting the relationship, they can also have other health consequences.
Why is it important to regain sexual desire?
Sex is a very important part of the relationship. Feelings towards the other, and even towards oneself, depend largely on sex. Even for older couples, sex is a way to share, be intimate, and enjoy together.
Some people think that not having sex is okay and that a relationship can be built based on other activities that are shared as a couple. The truth is that if the two have the same feeling and there is a sincere agreement about it, perhaps it is possible. Talking and communicating needs is important to find solutions together.
You might also think that you’re fine without sex, but when you look back and remember that sex was something you enjoyed and brought your partner closer, it’s easy to see how important sex is to a better relationship. The daily dynamic of the relationship improves when the sexual dynamic is active and satisfying.
What to do to eliminate low sexual desire?
Check with the doctor
If you notice that there is a physical cause, such as impotence or pain, it is always best to rule out any disease. As we have seen, some physical ailments can play an important role in sexual desire. Therefore, a medical evaluation with sexologist in Delhi will allow us to rule out these possibilities.
talk to your partner
Communicate your needs and ask about theirs. Talking openly about failures and expectations, as well as trying to find a solution between the two, committing to work on improving the relationship, can be the best solution to any problem.
Visit a couples therapist
The help of third parties, especially if it is professional, helps to find solutions. In this way, a sex specialist in Delhi, at the level of the couple and even at the individual level, will help you find the causes of low sexual desire and rekindle the relationship.
Look for moments of intimacy with your partner
Sometimes the hardest thing is taking the first step. The withdrawal routine is comfortable but dangerous. Caress your partner, look for points of attraction and try to lovingly force a return to those moments of intimacy.
experience new things
If low sexual desire is caused by boredom, try exploring new positions and experimenting with unfulfilled sexual desires. Discover new sexual interests together for extra motivation.
break with fear
It may be that after a long time without having sex with your partner they feel some fear in approaching. Sex can seem like something strange. If so, start small. Caress each other, touch each other, penetration may be somewhat forced, but you can masturbate each other the first few times and then try intercourse.
revive the relationship
Surely if the relationship is low or null in sexual activity, it is very likely in other aspects. They may get along well personally, but they don’t share other things in life that are normal as a couple. Make a date to go out to dinner or dance, plan some of those activities that you enjoyed together in the past.
Recovering common things and enjoying them together will help to recover sexual attraction and desire.
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