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Posted by on December 5, 2019

What is PRP treatment?

PRP (platelet-rich plasma) treatment for hair misfortune is a three-advance restorative treatment wherein an individual’s blood is drawn, prepared, and afterward infused into the scalp.

Some in the therapeutic network feel that PRP infusions trigger normal hair development and keep up it by expanding blood supply to the hair follicle and expanding the thickness of the hair shaft. Once in a while, this methodology is joined with other hair misfortune strategies or drugs.

There hasn’t been sufficient research to demonstrate if PRP is a viable hair misfortune treatment. Be that as it may, PRP treatment has been being used since the 1980s. It’s been utilized for issues, for example, mending harmed ligaments, tendons, and muscles.

prp hair treatment in dubai

PRP treatment process

PRP treatment is a three-advance procedure. Most PRP hair treatment in Dubai requires three treatments 4 a month and a half separated. Support treatments are required each 4–6 months.

Stage 1

Your blood is drawn — ordinarily from your arm — and put into an axis (a machine that twists quickly to isolate liquids of various densities).

Stage 2

After around 10 minutes in the rotator, your blood will have isolated into in three layers:

  • platelet-poor plasma
  • platelet-rich plasma
  • red platelets

Stage 3

The platelet-rich plasma is drawn up into a syringe and afterward infused into zones of the scalp that need expanded hair development.

There hasn’t been sufficient research to demonstrate whether PRP is successful. It’s additionally vague for whom — and under what conditions — it’s best.

As indicated by an ongoing study trusted Source, “In spite of the fact that PRP has adequate hypothetical logical premise to help its utilization in hair reclamation, hair rebuilding utilizing PRP is still at its earliest stages. The clinical proof is as yet frail.”


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