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March 17th  will soon be here

It’s the day for the wearing of the green

We do this to honor the Irish

And the leprechauns we have never seen.


They’re the little men so jolly and quick

You’ll find them near the end of the rainbow

They say it’s where you’ll find a ‘pot of gold”

Is this true, we really don’t know.


In Ireland St. Patrick is known for his goodness

For he made all snakes vanish from this land

It’s a fairy tale I’m sure but it is well known that.

You will find no snakes in ol’ Ireland.


I’m told that if you’re not wearing green

On this traditional Irish Day

That a leprechaun will sneak up behind you

And with one puff he’ll blow you away.


St. Patrick died in the year 461AD

On March 17th was the last he was seen

It doesn’t matters if you’re Irish or not

But to be safe, you’d better be wearing green.

@ Rose Mino February 25 2007
