The hip represents a very complex part of the body, which allows movements of the lower extremities, standing, sitting, and supports the pelvic organs. However, the hip joint is very fragile and susceptible to developmental and traumatic deformations. Therefore, when patients complain of hip pain, the cause of the problem is usually found in the hip joint, says the orthopaedic in Delhi.
The hip joint is made up of two joint surfaces, one of which is called the acetabulum and belongs to the hip bone (coxal bone), while the other represents the upper end of the femur (thigh bone). Between these surfaces, there is a fine cartilage cushion that reduces friction. In addition, the joint is secured with the ligaments and tendons of the muscles, which completely surround it.
Degenerative changes
Friction is the worst enemy of the hip joint.
Although the cartilage of the hip joint is replaced, aging causes a gradual loss of its elasticity and consistency. Cartilage loss causes joint surfaces to get closer and eventually damage each other during movements, causing hip pain. In response to increased friction, bone surfaces undergo changes such as hypertrophy and deformation, which makes friction and degeneration even more pronounced. These degenerative changes can lead to a disability if it is not treated properly before it is too late. Overuse of the hip joints in some sports can increase susceptibility to degenerative changes, caused by faster cartilage loss, explains the orthopaedic doctor in Delhi.
The arthritis and osteoarthritis are inflammatory conditions that can affect the hip joint, and are more common in the elderly. The inflammation causes the loss of cartilage from the hip and the vicious cycle that leads to degeneration begins. The most important medications for this condition are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory steroid drugs (NSAIDs), which can ease the inflammatory process and ease pain, recommends the orthopaedic doctor in Delhi.
Hip fracture
Hip fractures are a very common problem in older people, due to loss of bone density (osteoporosis), weak tendons, and ligaments of the hip joint. Depending on the type of fracture, this problem may be manageable by surgical interventions, but it often leaves permanent sequelae, due to lack of blood supply and poor regeneration of fractured bones in the elderly, says the orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi.
Ligament and tendon strain
Some exercises require excessive extension of the ligaments and tendons of the hip joint, which can cause strain and subsequent inflammation, resulting in pain and discomfort in the hip area. This usually happens if the exercises are carried out before the necessary warm-up, or if the intensity of the exercise is inadequate. These medications can help decrease pain in these cases, along with resting for a couple of days, which is crucial for complete recovery. Excessive exercise can also cause bursitis, an inflammation of the small fibrous sacs (bursa) placed around the joints and tendons, warns the orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi.
Primary and secondary tumors (metastases) affecting the bones of the femur and pain in the hip area cause the first sign.
New and persistent hip pain should be reported to your orthopaedic doctor in Delhi for further examination. It is very important for the diagnosis of diseases of the hip joints, before they are progressive and intractable. Mild or moderate physical activity and optimal cartilage replacement body weight is beneficial, while overuse of the hip joint and obesity cause degeneration, says the orthopaedic in Delhi.
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