Clicking in the knee joint is a fairly common cause of patients turning to orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi. In some patients, these clicks are accompanied by pain, but in most cases, these clicks do not cause any extraneous sensations. Some patients may have a history of trauma to the knee joint, in most cases, patients do not remember anything like this. One fine day, the patient simply notices that his knee has begun to click. Treatment is not necessary in all such cases, but in some of them it can be indicated.
The vast majority of patients who notice clicks in the knee do not experience pain, so do not worry about it. There are a number of interesting scientific studies that show that patients who have their knees clicked become very anxious. They begin to worry that clicks in the knee joint will lead to rapid wear of the articular cartilage and degenerative damage to the knee joint. In fact, clicks in the knee joint in the vast majority of cases are caused by the movement of normal anatomical structures in the area of the knee joint. And this means that you will not have any osteoarthritis as a result. A number of studies have shown that clicks can be caused by gas in the knee joint. This is not dangerous. Also, clicks can be caused by movement of joint fluid in the joint cavity, explains the orthopaedic in Delhi.
Now let’s talk about situations where clicks in the knee joint are accompanied by pain. Consider a number of the most common causes of this phenomenon.
Our knee joints are formed by three bones – the lower end of the femur, the upper end of the tibia and the patella. These bones are stabilized and held next to each other by a large number of ligaments. Movement in the knee joint is ensured by the coordinated work of powerful large muscles and tendons. Between the ends of the bones forming the knee joint are menisci, which are a kind of shock absorbers.
Any of the structures described may be damaged due to physical exertion, injury, or even due to normal wear and tear. Clicks in the knee joint can be caused by damage to almost any of the anatomical structures described above, explains the orthopaedic in Dwarka.
The most common causes of clicks and other extraneous mechanical sensations in the knee joint:
If such simple means as a pressure bandage, muscle stretching and temporary limitation of physical activity do not bring the desired effect, it makes sense to consult an orthopaedic doctor in Dwarka.
There are other, less common causes of clicks in the knee joint. The causes described above usually cause not only clicks, but also pain in the knee joint. If clicks in your knee are accompanied by pain, we recommend that you consult your doctor.
For many of us, these clicks are completely painless. Sometimes their causes remain unknown. In many situations, these clicks can be considered a “norm” that does not require any treatment, says the orthopaedic in Delhi.
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