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Posted by on November 10, 2021

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a disorder that causes people to have frequent, unwelcome thoughts, feelings, or ideas (obsessions) which make them feel the need to perform a task repeatedly (compulsions). The repeated actions like hand washing, checking things, or even cleaning could greatly hinder an individual’s daily activities and social interactions. Etizolam is a drug that helps us to get a good night’s sleep as well as helps us to stay active. You can buy Etizolam online Credit Card in the United State and this drug is easily available online at a cheap price.

Many people with OCD are plagued by anxiety-inducing thoughts or repetitive behavior. However, these thoughts or actions are not usually disruptive to the normal routine of life. For people suffering from OCD, the thoughts are constant, and the behaviors are unchanging. The inability to perform the behavior often causes major distress. Many people suffering from OCD are aware or suspect that their obsessions aren’t real, and others may think they could be real (known as limited perception). Even if they are aware that their obsessions are not real, those who suffer from OCD cannot disengage from the compulsive thoughts or halting the obsessive behaviors.

An assessment for OCD involves the presence of obsessions or obsessions that take up a significant amount of time (more than one hour per day) that cause distress and can affect the ability to work or function socially. OCD is a problem that affects 2 percent of the population across the United States, and among adults, approximately more females than males suffer from it. OCD typically starts in the adolescent years, early childhood, or even early adulthood. The median age when symptoms begin to manifest is at the age of 19 years old.


Obsessions are persistent and recurring thoughts or images that can trigger anxious emotions like fear or disgust. Many people suffering from OCD realize that their thoughts, feelings, or images result from their minds and may be excessive or untrue. But the anxiety that these thoughts cause is not a solution that can be resolved with reason or logic. Many people with OCD attempt to alleviate the stress of their obsessions caused by compulsions, avoid or ignore the thoughts, or engage in other pursuits.

  • The most common obsessions are: Be afraid of being contaminated by people or the environment
  • Images or thoughts of sexuality that disturb you
  • The fear of shouting obscenities or insults
  • The greatest concern is the order, symmetry, or the accuracy
  • Incessant thoughts of sound or images, words, or even numbers
  • The fear of losing or destroying the most important thing


Compulsions are the repetitive actions or mental actions that an individual is compelled to engage in due to an obsession. They are typically used to prevent or alleviate the stress of someone related to an obsession. The causes of compulsions may be excessive reactions directly linked to the obsession (such as frequent hand washing to avoid being afraid that it could cause contamination) or behaviors that are not directly related to the obsession. In the most extreme cases, a continuous repetition of routines may be a regular part of the day, rendering an ordinary routine unattainable.

Common Compulsions:

Ritualized or excessive hand washing, showering, brushing your teeth, or even toileting

Cleaning up household items regularly

The process of ordering or arranging items in a certain manner

Always checking locks or switches

Continuously seeking approval or assurance

Repetition of counting until a specific number

Etizolam generally reduces stress and anxiety in patients with OCD and therefore helps in a better life.

Posted in: Anxiety


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