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Posted by on January 24, 2023

Are you looking for a solution to your hair loss? Talking to a dermatologist or trichologist should be your first step. They can determine the cause of your hair loss and suggest treatments that might be suitable for you. They might suggest the following choices:

1. Rogaine (minocycline). You apply this medication to your scalp in the form of a foam or a liquid. Without a prescription, you can get it over the counter. Before your hair begins to become thicker, you may need to use it for several months. If you stop taking minoxidil, even if your hair grows back, you will lose it again.

2. Propecia (finasteride) This medication is prescribed as a pill to be taken orally. Finasteride can take months to show results, and if you stop taking it, you will lose new hair.

3. Microneedling. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, applying a device to your scalp that has hundreds of tiny needles may encourage hair growth. According to the website, research indicates that using micro-needling in conjunction with another treatment for hair loss may improve results. Consult a dermatologist before buying one of these devices without a prescription. They can tell you if it is safe for you and suggest a particular micro-needling device.

4. Transplant of hair. The outcomes of this kind of surgery may last a lifetime. A surgeon transplants individual hairs or a strip of hair-covered skin from one area of your scalp to balding or thinning areas. The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that the procedure will take four to eight hours. If you want to know if this treatment is right for you, you need to talk to a dermatologist.

5. Laser therapy at low levels According to the American Academy of Dermatology, research indicates that this treatment for the scalp may benefit the following conditions:

Alopecia areata, a type of hair loss that is more common in men, chemotherapy-induced hair loss, and hair loss after a hair transplant. You might need to get low-level laser therapy several times a week for a few months before you start to see more hair.

6. Plasma rich in platelets. A dermatologist uses a machine to separate the plasma from a small amount of your blood. The plasma is then injected into the hair-losing regions of your scalp. The American Academy of Dermatology estimates that the entire procedure will take about ten minutes to complete. The majority of patients receive the treatment once per month for three months, with a follow-up visit every three to six months.

Treatment and Prevention of Hair Thickening: Don’t wait to get help. The likelihood that treatments will assist you in regrowing hair increases the sooner you address the symptoms of hair loss. To begin your journey toward a fuller head of hair, consult a doctor right away.


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