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Posted by on March 22, 2023

If you’re looking to straighten your teeth, Damon braces may be a suitable option for you. These braces are known for their effectiveness and aesthetic appeal. However, before deciding to get Damon braces, it’s essential to understand the cost implications. In this article, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Damon braces cost in Dubai.

What are Damon braces?

Damon braces are an orthodontic treatment that uses self-ligating brackets and arch wires to straighten teeth. Unlike traditional braces, which require elastic or metal ties to hold the arch wire in place, Damon braces use a sliding mechanism that allows the wire to move more freely. This makes the treatment process more comfortable and efficient.

How do Damon braces work?

Damon braces work by applying gentle, continuous pressure on the teeth, gradually moving them into the desired position. The self-ligating brackets and arch wires used in Damon braces create less friction than traditional braces, which means that less force is required to move the teeth. This results in a more comfortable treatment experience and faster results.

Benefits of Damon braces

There are several benefits to choosing Damon braces over other orthodontic treatments. These include:

  • Faster treatment times: Because of the self-ligating mechanism used in Damon braces, treatment times are generally shorter than with traditional braces.
  • Fewer office visits: Patients who get Damon braces typically need to visit their orthodontist less frequently than those who opt for traditional braces.
  • Greater comfort: The sliding mechanism used in Damon braces reduces friction and pressure on the teeth, making the treatment process more comfortable.
  • Aesthetic appeal: Damon braces are available in clear and tooth-colored options, making them less noticeable than traditional metal braces.

How much do Damon braces cost in Dubai?

The cost of Damon braces in Dubai varies depending on several factors, including the severity of the patient’s orthodontic issues, the duration of treatment, and the orthodontist’s level of expertise. On average, Damon braces cost between AED 15,000 and AED 30,000 in Dubai.

Factors that affect Damon braces cost in Dubai

Several factors can affect the cost of Damon braces in Dubai. These include:

  • Severity of orthodontic issues: Patients with more severe orthodontic issues may require longer and more complex treatment, which can increase the cost of Damon braces.
  • Duration of treatment: The longer the treatment process, the higher the cost of Damon braces.
  • Orthodontist’s expertise: Orthodontists with more experience and expertise may charge higher fees for their services.

Are Damon braces worth the cost?

The cost of Damon braces may seem high, but many patients find that the benefits of this treatment outweigh the expense. Damon braces can provide faster, more comfortable treatment than traditional braces, which can improve patients’ quality of life during the treatment process. Additionally, the aesthetic appeal of Damon braces can boost patients’ confidence and self-esteem.


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