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Posted by on May 24, 2022

As time is quickly passing by, people’s lives are changing due to the advancements that are being made in science and technology, which are largely making their lives better but are also causing problems for them. Progress in technology means that a huge impact on the environment would be made, causing different kinds of physical and mental health issues for people. One of the most prominent issues, that currently comes to mind is hair loss problems.

People have tried to get a fuller head by using several kinds of solutions that are available in the local market, such as branded shampoos and conditioners. However, these treatments seem more appropriate for hygiene reasons, rather than to treat the conditions of hair loss. This is because, they can take a long time to come into effect, during which they expect great amounts of effort and dedication from the person.

Luckily, PRP treatment in Dubai is an effective solution that has been introduced to solve the hair loss problem forever. The treatment provided long-term effects and saved the person great amounts of time, as well as money.

Find more information about how PRP treatment works, what are its benefits, and how much it costs, through this informative article.

How does PRP treatment work for hair loss?


Since hair loss is becoming more like a global issue, people are looking for quick and effective solutions to get rid of it, hence, this is where PRP in Dubai plays a crucial role. The way that the treatment works is that the doctor first draws blood out from the patient’s body and puts it into a glass tube known as a centrifuge. The centrifuge separates the platelets from the blood into three layers, varying from the richest blood to the poorest. After this step has been carried out for approximately 10 minutes, the drawn blood is then inserted into the targeted areas of the scalp, to encourage hair growth.

What are the benefits of PRP treatment concerning hair loss?

There are many advantages of getting the PRP hair treatment to fight hair loss. Some of these benefits include

  • It makes the hair grow in a natural way, which does not tarnish a person’s look.
  • The treatment encourages the hair to grow stronger than before.
  • The results show up within a few months and tend to last for a very long time
  • The procedure causes little to no discomfort to the patient, which also is likely to fade away in one or two days.
  • The treatment makes the hair follicles stronger.
  • The procedure provides its patients with a younger-looking appearance that boosts their self-esteem and gives them more confidence.

What other purposes is the PRP treatment used for?

If you are thinking that the PRP treatment only works to cure hair loss, think again. The effective treatment can be used for other reasons as well, such as

  • Healing tendon wounds, which are marks caused by thick and tough band tissues that are hard to cure, is possible with the help of a PRP injectable.
  • The treatment helps cure any injuries caused to a person while playing sports. For example, knee sprains.
  • The PRP injection can be used to eliminate the symptoms caused by osteoarthritis.
  • The treatment helps repair surgical wounds. Most commonly the injections are used to reduce the appearance of bruises caused after surgery.

How much does the treatment cost?

The cost of the PRP treatment in Dubai depends on several factors, such as the condition of a person’s scalp, the number of injections they need, the expertise of the doctor, and the location of the clinic. Typically, the price of the treatment varies between AED 700 to AED 1980.

When can you get PRP treatment?

The treatment is so popular because a person of any age can get it, that is if they are above 18 years and are in good mental and physical health. The right candidate should also be suffering from an extreme case of baldness or hair loss, for the treatment to work.

Choose Us!

If you are looking to get an effective PRP treatment done for hair loss, the Dynamic Clinic in Dubai is here for your assistance. The clinic consists of the best equipment and experienced doctors, here to adhere to all your hair loss treatment in dubai. So, book an appointment with one of our experts today, for free!


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