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Posted by on May 4, 2023

Are you or someone you know considering metal braces as an option for teeth straightening? If so, then you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to know about metal braces in Dubai, from what they are, how they work, their benefits and drawbacks, and what you can expect during the process.

1. What are metal braces?

Metal braces are the traditional type of braces used to straighten teeth. They are made up of metal brackets that are attached to the teeth, connected by wires, and held in place by rubber bands. They have been used for decades and remain a popular choice among orthodontic patients.

2. How do metal braces work?

Metal braces work by applying gentle pressure to the teeth to gradually move them into the desired position. The wires that connect the brackets are tightened over time, which puts pressure on the teeth and causes them to shift. As the teeth move, the bone surrounding them changes shape to support the new position.

3. Benefits of metal braces

Metal braces offer several benefits, including:

  • Effective at correcting a wide range of orthodontic issues, including overcrowding, gaps, and misalignment
  • Can be customized to fit each patient’s unique dental needs
  • Typically less expensive than other orthodontic treatments
  • Durable and long-lasting

4. Drawbacks of metal braces

Despite their effectiveness, metal braces do have some drawbacks, including:

  • They are noticeable and can affect the appearance of the wearer
  • They require regular adjustments, which can be uncomfortable or painful
  • Food can get stuck in the wires and brackets, making oral hygiene more challenging
  • They can cause irritation or sores in the mouth

5. Candidates for metal braces

Most people are candidates for metal braces, regardless of age or orthodontic needs. However, children and teens are typically the most common users of metal braces since their teeth are still developing.

6. The process of getting metal braces

The process of getting metal braces typically involves the following steps:

  1. Consultation with an orthodontist: During the initial consultation, the orthodontist will examine the patient’s teeth and recommend a treatment plan.
  2. Placement of brackets and wires: The orthodontist will clean the teeth and attach the metal brackets to each tooth using a special adhesive. The wires will be threaded through the brackets and secured in place with rubber bands.
  3. Regular adjustments: The patient will need to visit the orthodontist regularly to have the wires adjusted and tightened to maintain the desired pressure on the teeth.
  4. Removal: Once the treatment is complete, the orthodontist will remove the brackets and wires and provide a retainer to help maintain the new position of the teeth.


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