Gold Shower Trees on Po`ipu Road. April 2, 2016. Karl H. Y. Lo Photo.


Comments by Readers of The Filipinos of Koloa

Date: March 17, 2018 

“Hi, Catherine and Karl,

What an amazing gift! It came in the mail yesterday and Wally and I can’t believe our good fortune: a beautiful work of love from you. My dear Catherine, future generations will always be grateful to you for the book you have written to record Koloa’s Filipinos. How you did it all amazes me no end. Bravo!

When I opened the package, an incredible frisson went through my whole being: it’s like the two of you were right in front of me and we were having a tete-a-tete. Unbelievable.

Thank you so much: I’m blessed to receive such a treasure. God bless, my friends. Love as always,  . . .” Wally & Luz, Canada

Date: March 10, 2018 

“My Dearest Catherine and Karl, Oh YES, the book arrived so promptly….and I sat right down with it and studied it into the night….Now every time I pick it up…I think, Oh I must send an email to say thanks.  So Thank You….What an incredible collection of wonderful facts which would have all been lost to posterity.  And I do think that our young people are more and more interested in the details of their ancestors and homelands and all . . .” — Nancy, Massachusetts

Date: March 2, 2018

Subject: Kudos! Magnificent Collection of Stories and Photos of a Culture and People!

“Catherine, you did a magnificent job gathering and organizing the history and heartbeat of a people who helped shape the life and values of the neighborhoods we grew to be our home as well.

I started reading the book and couldn’t put it down yesterday. You managed to gather so many details of the camps and surrounding areas. Karl’s photos were great.

There are a number of Filipino residents here at Pohai Lani. When I finish  reading the book, I will ask the librarian about making it accessible to them also. (Library is open 24 hours for residents). . . .

. . . You are amazing …the book is a labour of love. ” Sharon, O`ahu

In the beginning:

1. “Wishing you and Karl the best, and thanking you for your labor of obvious love of and devotion to chronicling the Filipinos of Koloa.”  Michael, Kaua`i — 6/17/17

2. “The book arrived!!! Just thumbed through a few pages.  Looks awesome!  Brings back so many wonderful memories.  Makes me miss my family and Kauai so very much. . . . Thank you again for your emails & for writing the book!”  Marsha, Kansas — 6/15/17

3. “Congrats on a long journey to final publishing!  I rejoice in the publication of your long, hard efforts to ferret out the information on the Koloa folks. My dad seemed to want to keep those connections alive, taking me with him on weekends driving frequently to Koloa or New Mill side to sit and visit in the 50’s up until I was around 11 years old.

Sadly, I’ve forgotten most of their names. […]  Keep up the work.  I wouldn’t be surprised how much more you discovered after the project went to press.  My deep thanks, Mahalo piha.” Jimmy, O`ahu — 5/11/17

4. “Very interesting compilation of historical landmarks and people — with photos.  Appreciate wonderful avenue for sharing result of your extensive research and interviews. [.  . .]  I’ve been through whole book already. Started slowly, to absorb dates/events as they related to immigration and newcomers’ experiences. Enjoyed reading about families of former classmates, students, friends, et al. Will go back to read certain parts more carefully. “  Grace, Kaua`i — 6/17/17

5. “Thank you for writing the book.  I can see that it turned out to be a labor of love!   I’m a very slow reader and I’m even more deliberate hanging on every detail and remembrance!.” Lucy, Kaua`i — 5/20/17

6. “[. . . ] I got the book yesterday morning on my way to work.  Quite impressive and as I started to read the book, it was hard to put down!  There’s so much history of Koloa I was not aware of.  Thank you, AGAIN, for your hard work.. . . ”  Anna, O`ahu — 5 25/17

7. “Thank you.  I’m indeed learning more history of Koloa!“ Anna,  O`ahu — 6/1/17

8. “Congratulations on your new book you worked so hard on.  It is wonderful to have someone like you writing about the sakadas. [. . .]  My step-dad was also a Sakada, working on a plantation on Lanai where he met my mom, married and moved to Maui before settling on Kauai sometime during the late 40’s.  You may know the […]  family.  Aloha and thank you for a wonderful job done.” Lew, Hawai`i — 5/2/17

8. “Good morning, Catherine and Karl.  I was perusing TGI, probably because we miss all of you, and found mention of your book signing. Congratulations!  Wish we were there to join in the much-deserved celebration.” Nick & Sarah, Colorado — 6/3/17

9. “I thought it was a phone book, but recognized your beautiful handwriting on the tape so opened it and was thrilled to see the book you were working diligently on for so long was complete and published! I quickly opened it to read before sending my thanks but soon realized that, in typical Catherine Lo style, “The Filipinos of Koloa” was packed with information and detail that could not be read in one sitting :). It is such an interesting book though, so I have read through it more than once already! I was amazed at how “fresh off the press” the book is…even Punzal Vision is included!  [. . . ]  what’s your next project?” Laraine, Kaua`i — 6/3/17

10. “Congratulations on the release of your book, The Filipinos of Koloa! How thrilling it must be … yet I know you took much time and care with the details … and sometimes the writing and thought process can be a little frustrating, but I trust everything you went through is worth it! . . . ”  Jane, O`ahu — 6/7/17

11. “Kudos to both of you for publishing your book on the Filipinos in Koloa.  . . . [We] are reading every word of it.  You both must’ve worked years on it.  Congratulations.”  Paul & Ruth,  O`ahu —  6/9/17

12. “I just got home & in my mailbox was the book!  I’ve only been able to glance and thumb through it quickly but I’d like to sit down one day soon & read it all the way through … I’m sure it’ll be very interesting.  [. . .]  Oh, it’s a wonder how you were able to get all these details and loads of photos, maps/plans & everything done in just a matter of years.  This is decades of work in one book!  [. . .]  YOU are amazing!! HOW did you find out all this stuff????  You must have talked to thousands of people and definitely spent a lot of time researching.  Your poor fingers must be swollen from all that typing … but at the same time, you must feel such a sense of accomplishment and relief that it’s finally published!!! CONGRATULATIONS. … Jane, O`ahu — 6/9/17

13. “Finally finished your book.  Still amazed at your perseverance to finish it.  Such dedication.  Congratulation again.”  Paul, O`ahu — 6/14/17

14. “ [. . .]   [The] book focus may be on Filipinos; however, Koloa Sugar Plantation history, community layout, photographs, camp sketches, family stories, etc, make book interesting to non-Filipinos as well. Well done …” Grace, Kaua`i — 6/14/17

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© 2020.  COPYRIGHT Catherine Pascual Lo