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Posted by on March 21, 2023

Wisdom teeth are dental pieces that, precisely because of their location, cause various problems. The most common is related to lack of hygiene. And it is that, being in the back of the mouth, it is somewhat more complex to access them with the toothbrush. And, therefore, it is frequent that they tend to accumulate food remains.

But, in addition, another very frequent problem has to do with pain. The wisdom teeth usually appear in adulthood, when the rest of the teeth have already erupted. This fact means that, when trying to break through, they cause pain and numerous discomforts.

Having said all this, we are going to begin to remember what these dental pieces are like and what their function is in the mouth. And then we will tell you what to do when faced with wisdom tooth pain.

What are wisdom teeth?

The wisdom teeth -also known as wisdom teeth- are the third molars. They are located in the most posterior area of ​​the mouth, behind the second molars. Normally, adults have four wisdom teeth: two on the top and two on the bottom of the denture.

As we have already pointed out, the wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt. And, in a large number of cases, they take many years to erupt, and when they do, they don’t fully erupt. The fact that they do not come out completely, among other reasons due to lack of space, is what causes the pain and discomfort.

That being said, keep in mind that third molars do not actually have a function in the mouth. That is to say, they are not essential for our daily lives, not even for chewing. This means that the best dentist in Pitampura recommends extracting wisdom teeth as soon as they begin to cause pain or discomfort.

When do the wisdom teeth come out?

Most commonly, wisdom teeth come in between 17 and 25 years of age. This is precisely why they are called “judgment”, to reflect the transition to maturity and adulthood.

However, although they usually appear at this age, the truth is that each person can develop them at different stages. Some even never get them.

Why do wisdom teeth cause pain?

Wisdom tooth pain can be due to different causes. The most common are the following.

  • Lack of space during the eruption

Wisdom tooth pain may be due to the fact that, during the eruption process, the tooth does not have enough space to emerge. This is due to two reasons: the rest of the teeth have already erupted and the wisdom tooth is located in the back of the mouth. If it has no room to get out, it exerts force and causes a sensation of pain and pressure.

  • Pericoronitis

In some situations, during the wisdom tooth eruption process, an infection can occur due to bacterial growth in the gum area. This causes severe wisdom tooth pain, swelling, redness of the gum, and sometimes oozing pus from the infection.

  • Cavities

Once the wisdom teeth have come out, they can also cause pain. Said pain may be due to the most common oral disease: caries. Decay in wisdom teeth is common, since being located in the back of the mouth makes it more difficult to brush them and perform proper hygiene.

How to relieve wisdom tooth pain?

Wisdom teeth cause very intense pain that can even be unbearable for many people.

Therefore, below, we are going to give you a series of tips to relieve wisdom tooth pain.

  • Lean on medication : taking analgesics and anti-inflammatories helps to calm the pain. But remember that all medication must be prescribed by a doctor or dentist in Pitampura, so check with the professional first.
  • Place cold or heat in the area : the change in temperature helps to calm the sensation of pain. To do this, the most correct procedure is to apply heat or cold for twenty minutes and rest for approximately five.
  • Maintain a thorough oral cleaning : continue brushing your teeth as normal, even if it hurts. It is essential to avoid any type of infection, since an infectious process would cause you more pain.
  • Rinse with hot water and salt : this homemade mouthwash helps soothe pain and the feeling of swelling.

In any case, you should keep in mind that all these tips serve to relieve pain momentarily. However, as long as the eruption process continues, you are likely to experience pain.

For this reason, it is best to go to the dental clinic in Pitampura when you begin to notice the first symptoms. That way, the best dentist in Pitampura can treat the cause of the problem and avoid a lot of pain and discomfort.

What is the treatment for wisdom tooth pain?

In order to plan the most appropriate treatment for wisdom tooth pain, the ideal is to go to the dentist in Rani Bagh. Thus, the professional will be able to carry out an examination, issue a diagnosis and, finally, recommend a treatment plan.

First, the dentist in Saraswati Vihar will determine if there is an active infection in the area. And, in case this is the cause of the pain, she will administer an antibiotic therapy. At this point, it should be remembered that it is essential to eliminate the infection with an antibiotic before carrying out any treatment.

In the event that the problem is caused by a cavity, the dentist in Ashok Vihar will perform a dental filling. With this, he will clean the caries, remove the damaged dental surface and place a biocompatible material to fill the tooth.

On the contrary, if the origin of the pain is due to a lack of space or a pulpitis, the solution will consist of the extraction of the wisdom tooth. This can be done by a simple extraction -in case the tooth has erupted- or by surgery -in case the molar has not erupted or has partially erupted-.


It is estimated that approximately 90% of people experience certain complications when their wisdom teeth come in. As we have already mentioned, the discomfort is most likely due to lack of space or decay, which is very common in these molars.

If you want to alleviate the pain caused by a wisdom tooth, we recommend that you follow the advice explained in this article. Of course, keep in mind that these indications serve to reduce pain at the moment.

When a wisdom tooth starts to hurt, our recommendation as professionals is always the same: go to your trusted dentist in Shalimar Bagh as soon as possible so that he can study your case and can provide you with the best possible solution to your problem.

On many occasions, wisdom tooth pain comes and goes. However, you should keep in mind that until the root of the problem is addressed, the complications will not completely stop.


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