Not everyone understands it the same, but we know how to recognize it on a daily basis. It is neither more nor less than the most frequent sexual ‘problem’ in men, and of those that most concern
If we talk about premature ejaculation in a technical way, sexologist in Delhi says that it is a lack of control over the ejaculatory reflex and manifests itself with a sudden expulsion of semen that occurs within a minute or a minute and a half of the penetration.
It affects a percentage between 25 and 40% of them and up to 70% have suffered on occasion. However, very few dare to talk about it, without knowing that doing so may be the first step in solving your problem.
This common disorder of the orgasm phase during sexual intercourse has treatment and its prevention is closely linked to the psychology of the patient, says the best sexologist in Delhi.
Why is this happening to me?
Loss of control during intercourse can be caused by different causes. There are biological ones – we must not forget that premature ejaculation is an alteration in the sensitivity of the brain receptors of serotonin – but also stress, depression or urinary tract or prostate infections may be to blame.
Similarly, men who do not have relationships frequently are often more likely to suffer from it, as are those who consume large amounts of alcohol, tobacco or are ‘habitual’ drugs.
Nor should we overlook social factors such as fear of possible pregnancy or ridicule because they also play a very important role in this disorder, explains top sexologist in Delhi.
Work to avoid it
Beyond the fact that it is not a serious problem, the psychological consequences that premature ejaculation can cause to those who suffer from it and therefore to their partners, must be taken into account. Facing them on time is key and can prevent the emotional instability that it generates ends up breaking even the most consolidated relationships. That is why today sexologist doctor in Delhi offers you a list of recommendations and tricks that can help you avoid it.
1 – Do not neglect your diet and your lifestyle
It seems somewhat inconsequential, but exercising daily, leading a balanced lifestyle and caring for food play an essential role. Run away from saturated fats and become a fan of watermelon, rich in a substance known as citrulline, which relaxes and dilates blood vessels. Garlic will also help your penis receive more blood flow, as does pomegranate that can improve erection quality by up to 32%, says sex doctor in Delhi.
Ginseng, saffron and oats will also be good allies and, although it may seem a lie, a group of nutritionists discovered that the compound UK-92,480 (used in Viagra) is naturally generated by mixing tuna with mayonnaise.
If, as a climax, you change alcohol and tobacco for medicinal herbs such as Epimedium, yerba mate, sarsaparilla or chamomile, you will have much of the work done.
2 – Breathing and relaxation
There are different exercises that help control premature ejaculation: breathing, muscle, couple stimulation and masturbation. But, let us start at the beginning.
The mere idea of having sex can make the man nervous and start taking short, high-breath breaths. Unfortunately this is the prelude to premature ejaculation in a high percentage of cases. Proper breathing during sexual intercourse is essential, so take a breath and take 10 slow and deep breaths before starting. Take a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth rhythmically.
You can also try Kegel exercises, or exercises designed to strengthen the pelvic muscles. They consist of the contraction and relaxation of these muscles in intervals of five seconds and successively and sex specialist in Delhi recommends performing them at least 30 times each day, without exceeding 100 repetitions. With them you will learn to control the muscles that influence and control ejaculation.
But if there is something fundamental it is to relax. Remove negative thoughts. Convince yourself that nothing has to go wrong, you know where the error lies and you have the necessary tools to control it. You know your body’s response to excitement, so let yourself go and enjoy.
3 – During intercourse
You are ready to start, but first a little tip: go to the bathroom to urinate before having sex. This way you will be able to release the pressure on the genitals, which will favor a longer duration in bed, suggests sex specialist doctor in Delhi.
Once between the sheets you can put into practice one last exercise. Although it can be done alone, it is preferable to do it as a couple to create a positive bond. It is known as the ‘start-stop’ and is basically a masturbation technique that consists of stopping when you feel you are going to ejaculate and let the moment of maximum excitement pass before resuming the massage on the penis. For it to take effect and the body adapts to this new rhythm, you must practice it at least twice a week.
Practice preliminary games before intercourse, take your time and do not hurry. And above all, try different positions because they influence the rhythm and level of male arousal a lot. Changing from ones that accelerate you more to more manageable ones can help you prolong the erection and delay ejaculation, suggests the best sex doctor in Delhi.
4 – Do not suffer in silence
Speak frankly and without bending what you feel. Keeping your doubts and feelings for you will only make the situation worse. Do not become obsessed, let alone blame the other. Understanding and dialogue are key, ask your partner for help. You never have to blame the man for what is happening to him and first of all you have to try to remedy as a couple. With good will on the part of both the problem does not have to go to more and can remit.
And if not, you will always have the help of sexologist in Delhi who can recommends a more specific medical premature ejaculation treatment in Delhi for your specific case.
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