Erectile dysfunction is as taboo as it is common. What are the causes of impotence and how can we cope? The point in our record devoted to erectile dysfunctions.
The erection. Here is a subject packed with clichés that have a hard tooth. But when it is rare, difficult, the mechanics is slow, it becomes a worrying subject, which destabilizes the couple, as much as the individual who is down. Worse, taboos are invited into the equation and everything is tense, explains sexologist in Delhi.
The best sexologist in Delhi highlights the cause of erectile disorders. In particular, the effect of hyper-connection to screens, the influence of free-access porn and the difficulties of the Indian to approach this type of pathology with a sex specialist in Delhi or even with their partner.
Sexual breakdown: the causes of impotence
The causes of impotence are extremely varied. From stress to erectile dysfunction, they can be psychological as well as organic. The top sexologist in Delhi points to the influence of impotence- the over-consumption of porn for 50% of patients and the stress that causes erectile dysfunction. While some of these reasons may seem innocuous, others are much more serious, such as depression or diabetes.
Man’s vision of sex also plays an important role in male impotence. If he sees in his sexual practices a way to reassure himself in his virility, the risk of erectile dysfunction is greater, because of the pressure that he puts himself unconsciously when making love. Thus, according to the sexologist doctor in Delhi, 2 out of 3 men suffering from erectile dysfunction develop a complex.
Faced with recurrent erection disorders, various treatments are available to men suffering from sexual breakdowns. Among them: psychotherapy and dialogue within the couple. Viagra can also be recommended. In fact, 7 out of 10 men say they are ready to take erectile dysfunction treatment in Delhi. Nevertheless, as with all medications, taking these small blue pills is not a treatment to take lightly. Medical advice is always recommended by sex doctor in Delhi.
The symptoms of impotence are of several kinds: it can be either an inability to achieve erection, or an inability to maintain an erection allowing the penetration of the partner, or the difficulty to have an erection constant during sex. The causes can be physiological or psychological. Contrary to certain clichés, the absence of erection does not mean the absence of desire: impotence, especially when it is of physiological origin, is not linked to a lack of stimulation or desire to do so but a physical disability. The best sex doctor in Delhi suggests to no need to feel guilty or fear the worst for the couple when the “machine” is down!
Male impotence in the couple
Although initially impotence affects men directly, it also has a direct impact on the couple. According to the sexologist in Delhi, 4 out of 10 patients noted an impact on their relationship, especially among youth. Indeed, erectile disorders can cause the partner to start doubting its attractiveness and gradually lose self-confidence. Especially since there are many people who do not know how to react to impotence, redoubling vain efforts that have a negative effect on the one who is down. In default of arranging the sexual breakdowns of their partner, these sometimes aggravate the situation by presenting to their man a partner whom he does not recognize.
Impotence does not affect only long relationships, and budding relationships are not spared. Again, in the face of sexual impotence, dialogue is usually the most effective way for each partner to remain confident and reassured …
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