Either your wife or significant other convinced you, or you convinced yourself-it’s time to see the doctor. After telling him your energy is flagging, mind getting a little fuzzy, don’t quite have the ambition and drive you once had, muscles ache for no reason, and your libido has you at half-mast, he says-“that’s only normal.” “Normal”? You almost shout in response with a questionable frown. “Yes, I see in your charts you just turned 50,” he says. That’s the response often given by traditional doctors when told these signs that are typical of low-t. What’ so troubling about it is […]
Tea was first brought to the western world several centuries ago from countries such as China, India and Japan. In these countries tea has long been revered as a beverage with many medicinal qualities, even the English have long considered their favourite beverage to have a number of medicinal properties. In the middle of the 17th century there was a major debate in Europe concerning the health benefits of tea, but despite the debate, tea consumption continued to soar and spread around the world. While no one has ever been able to prove that tea is bad for you, there […]
People have always been searching for ways to do things more efficiently. This search for greater efficiency has led to some of the most innovative inventions in history: the automobile, the printing press, the airplane, etc. This search for efficiency has carried over into the realm of fitness and bodybuilding in the past couple of decades. Those desiring to build muscle as fast as possible are turning to steroid use (and other supplements) to help them build mass as fast as possible. Those interested in fat loss are turning to diet pills and other fat burning supplements. The dangers of […]
Post Workout Nutrition Explained: What to Eat After Your Workout and Why It Matters It has been well said that the most important meal of the day for anyone concerned with adding muscle to their frame is the post workout meal. After an intense workout the muscles are especially primed for growth and understanding how to most effectively feed the muscles for growth and recovery during the hours immediately following an intense round of exercise will pay dividends in terms of your muscle gains over time. In this article I’m going to explain how to structure your post workout nutrition […]