Disorders of sexual desires (formerly referred to as inhibited sexual desires) are divided into two classes by sexologist in Delhi: hypoactivity sexual desires that are characterized by insufficiency or lack of sexual fantasies and desires of sexual activity, and disorientations in the form of aversion to sexual life characterized by disgust or avoidance of sexual intercourse through the genital organs with a sexual partner.
Below are diagnostic criteria explained by the best sexologist in Delhi for these disorders, the first one being more common than the second, but the true prevalence of these disorders is unknown.
Diagnostic criteria for disorder in the form of hypoactivity of sexual desires:
- Persistent or recurrent insufficiency or lack of sexual fantasies and desires of sexual activity. The conclusion about insufficiency or absence is made by the physician, taking into account factors that affect sexual functions such as age, gender and circumstances of life.
- Manifestation only during another disorder categorized by Axis 1 (non-sexual dysfunction) such as severe depression.
Diagnostic criteria for disorder as a disgust to sexual life:
- Persistent or recurrent extreme disgust or avoidance of all or almost all sexual intercourse through sex organs with a sexual partner.
- Manifestation only during another disorder categorized by Axis I (non-sexual dysfunction), such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or severe depression.
According to top sexologist in Delhi, lack of desire is one of the most frequent complaints among married couples, and this is more typical of women than men. In one study, figures are quoted: 35% of women and 15% of men expressed complaints about the lack of desire for sexual activity.
With the disorder of sexual desires, many etiologic factors are associated. Disrupted desire often inhibits the desire to protect from unconscious sex-related fear. Inappropriate homosexual impulses can also suppress libido or cause immediate heterosexual contact, explains sexologist doctor in Delhi.
Some men who have a fixation at the phallic stage of development are afraid of the vagina, believing that they will be castrated if they approach it; this concept is called vagina dentata, because they unknowingly believe that the vagina has teeth. Therefore, they completely avoid contact with the female genital organs, says sex specialist in Delhi.
According to sex doctor in Delhi, lack of desire can also be a consequence of chronic stress, anxiety or depression. Drugs that suppress the central nervous system, or reduce the production of testosterone, can also weaken the desire. Sometimes sexual impulses are suppressed as a result of prolonged absence of sexual contacts.
Desire usually decreases after many illnesses, after severe illness or surgery, especially if after them there is a disturbance in the perception of their own body, which is especially characteristic after such operations as mastectomy, ileostomy, hysterectomy and prostatectomy, says sexologist in South Delhi.
Loss of desire may also be an expression of hostility or a sign of a broken connection. Desire usually decreases after severe illness or surgery, especially if after them there is a disturbance in the perception of their own body, which is especially characteristic after such operations as mastectomy, ileostomy, hysterectomy and prostatectomy. Loss of desire may also be an expression of hostility or a sign of a broken connection, says sexologist in East Delhi.
In one study, the study of young married couples who interrupted sexual intercourse for a period of 2 months, with the cause of the gap in men and women are different. Men were affected by social factors, such as the recent immigration, the religion or the employment of their wives at work or lack of such. Women were more concerned about dominance, decision making, and the likelihood and threat of husbands leaving home. Both men and women noted the lack of intimacy as the reason for the cessation of sexual activity. However, the most common cause is the termination or inhibition of sexual activity, says sexologist in West Delhi.
When diagnosing, the sexologist in North Delhi should assess the age, overall health and stress that occurred in the patient’s life. One should try to establish the basic level of sexual interests of the patient before the onset of disorder. The need for sexual contacts and satisfaction varies from individuals and from one and the same person at different times. In a group of 100 married couples, it was found that 8% had intercourse less than once a month. In another group, one-third of couples reported no sexual intercourse over a period of time, averaging 8 weeks, explained best sex doctor in Delhi.
And, finally, the diagnosis should not apply in cases where the lack of desire is not the cause of the patient’s suffering.
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